Session B: Cooking Up New Research Ideas: With Students, About Students
Students can be so much more than recipients of their education and research subjects. In this interactive session, join students from Epicenter’s University Innovation Fellows program to work collaboratively in envisioning new research projects to understand how higher education can empower students to be innovators as well as co-designers of their education.
Session organizers:
Leticia Britos Cavagnaro, Epicenter, Stanford University
Katie Dzugan, Epicenter, National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance
Humera Fasihuddin, Epicenter, National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance
Hristina Milojevic, University Innovation Fellow, Union College
Breanne Przestrzelski, University Innovation Fellow, Clemson University
Gurlovleen Rathore, University Innovation Fellow, Texas A&M University
Ben Riddle, University Innovation Fellow, Furman University
Elliot Roth, University Innovation Fellow, Virginia Commonwealth University
Valerie Sherry, University Innovation Fellow, University of Maryland
Gregory Wilson, University Innovation Fellow, University of Georgia
UIF Program Snapshot
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University Innnovation Fellows - Personal Factors and Contextual Factors
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Cooking Up New Research Ideas: With Students, About Students
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What Role do Students Play as Agents of Change on College Campuses?
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How Might Universities Create Environments that Nurture Creativity and Stimulate an Entrepreneurial Mindset?
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