Summit Agenda
Monday August 4
(Building 550, Stanford campus)
11am: Registration opens
12pm-1pm: Orientation-Disorientation-Reorientation and Lunch
Host: Sheri Sheppard, Epicenter, Stanford University
1pm-2pm: Poster Walk
2pm-2:15pm: Break with refreshments
2:15pm-4pm: Session A: Research on Students’ Entrepreneurial Development and Pathways
How can we learn about students’ entrepreneurial development through an interactive lens, i.e., the interplay between individual characteristics and contexts? How diverse are students’ entrepreneurial pathways? What are the implications for entrepreneurship education?
Session chairs:
Anne Colby, Stanford University
Bill Damon, Stanford University
Dan Ferguson, Purdue University
Kathryn Jablokow, Pennsylvania State University
Heather Malin, Stanford University
Tenelle Porter, Stanford University
Gisele Ragusa, University of Southern California
Sarah Zappe, Pennsylvania State University
4pm-5:30pm: Session B: Cooking Up New Research Ideas: With Students, About Students
Students can be so much more than recipients of their education and research subjects. In this interactive session, join students from Epicenter’s University Innovation Fellows (UIF) program to work collaboratively in envisioning new research projects to understand how higher education can empower students to be innovators as well as co-designers of their education.
Session organizers:
Leticia Britos Cavagnaro, Epicenter, Stanford University
Katie Dzugan, Epicenter, National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance
Humera Fasihuddin, Epicenter, National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance
Hristina Milojevic, University Innovation Fellow, Union College
Breanne Przestrzelski, University Innovation Fellow, Clemson University
Gurlovleen Rathore, University Innovation Fellow, Texas A&M University
Ben Riddle, University Innovation Fellow, Furman University
Elliot Roth, University Innovation Fellow, Virginia Commonwealth University
Valerie Sherry, University Innovation Fellow, University of Maryland
Gregory Wilson, University Innovation Fellow, University of Georgia
5:30pm-6:30pm: Poster walk and midpoint reflections
6:30pm-8pm: Outdoor BBQ dinner
Tuesday August 5
(Building 550, Stanford campus)
8am-8:45am: Breakfast
8:45am-9am: Day 2 Opening Remarks
Host: Sheri Sheppard, Epicenter, Stanford University
9am-10:30am: Session C: Research on Entrepreneurship Programming and Unprogramming
Overarching Questions: What drives entrepreneurship programming? What roles have students played in advancing capabilities in and commitments to entrepreneurship in universities, with what implications for programs? What assessment tools are most effective in evaluating program impact?
Session chair:
Mary Besterfield-Sacre, University of Pittsburgh
Ruth Graham, RH Graham Consulting Limited
Doug Melton, Kern Family Foundation
Helmut Schoenenberger, Technical University Munich
10:30am-10:45am: Break with refreshments
10:45am-12:30pm: Session D: Research on Curricular Approaches
Overarching Questions: What works in teaching entrepreneurship, and how do we know it works? Which student populations do different approaches address? What are the top priorities or concepts in teaching entrepreneurship to engineering (or all) students?
Session chair:
Nathalie Duval-Couetil, Purdue University
Erin MacDonald, Stanford University
Mark Schar, Epicenter, Stanford University
Angela Shartrand, Epicenter, National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance
12:30pm-1:30pm: Lunch and Roundtable sessions
"Birds of a Feather" Table Topics:
- Using Surveys (or NOT using surveys) to Understand Student Behavior
- Faculty Development around Entrepreneurship Education
- Research 101
- Sustaining Our Community After the Summit
- Turning Barriers to Entrepreneurship Education into Opportunities
- Evidence of Success of Entrepreneurship Education
- Understanding an Engineer’s Perspective on I&E
1:30pm-3pm: Session E: Re3 - Re-cap, Re-flect, Re-search
In this interactive session, attendees will review what they have discovered at the Summit, integrate theories of student learning into their thinking, and generate exciting, breakthrough ideas for research.
Session chairs:
Mark Schar, Epicenter, Stanford University
Angela Shartrand, Epicenter, National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance
Sheri Sheppard, Epicenter, Stanford University
3pm-3:15pm: Break with refreshments
3:15pm-4:45pm: Session F: Keynote Panel: Forest-Level Reflections on the Research Landscape
Phil Weilerstein, Epicenter, National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance
Susan Brennan, Bloom Energy
Tom Byers, Epicenter, Stanford University
Karl Vesper, University of Washington
4:45pm-5pm: Closing remarks
Host: Sheri Sheppard, Epicenter, Stanford University
5pm-5:15pm: Group Photo
5:15pm-7pm: Drinks and hors d’oeuvres