Call for Submissions – ASEE Entrepreneurship and Engineering Innovation Division
We invite and encourage all members of the Epicenter community to submit abstrats to the ASEE ENT Division for ASEE 2015 in Seattle. Below is ASEE's call for abstract submissions.
American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference
Date/Location: June 14-17, Seattle, Washington
Deadline for Abstracts: October 19, 2014
For more information: www.asee.org
The ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND ENGINEERING INNOVATION DIVISION (ENT) invites abstracts for papers to be presented at the 2015 ASEE Annual Conference. The ENT Division is Publish to Present. If an abstract is accepted, authors are invited to submit a full draft paper. Drafts are reviewed and either accepted, accepted with further revisions, or rejected. If accepted, at least one author must pay registration fees and present the paper at the conference.
Papers that address the following themes are invited:
1. Student Learning
a. Teaching innovation or entrepreneurship as part of an engineering program
b. Integrating innovation or entrepreneurship into core engineering courses
c. Learning environments that foster innovation and entrepreneurship
d. Engineering education and the entrepreneurial/innovative mindset
e. Assessment entrepreneurship and innovation competencies
f. Entrepreneurial and innovative internships and co-op experiences
2. Diversity and Global Issues
a. Enhancing diversity via entrepreneurship and innovation education
b. Entrepreneurship and innovation as a means to empower underrepresented
groups within engineering education
c. Ethics associated with entrepreneurship and innovation education
d. Engineering entrepreneurship/innovation in developing economies
e. Sustainable entrepreneurship/innovation-related issues and programs
3. Faculty and Programs
a. New innovation and entrepreneurship programs and program models
b. Strategies to teach innovative and entrepreneurial engineers
c. Developing entrepreneurial and innovative faculty
d. Cross campus collaboration beyond engineering (business, humanities, etc.)
e. Assessment of innovation and entrepreneurship courses and programs
As in previous years, cash awards are given to authors of the first, second, and third place Entrepreneurship and Engineering Innovation Division best papers. These awards are presented at the division reception held during the ASEE Conference. A selection of best papers will be published in a 2016 issue of the Journal of Engineering Entrepreneurship (JEEN).
We encourage papers that include either a quantitative or a qualitative research approach. All abstracts and papers must be submitted through ASEE’s Monolith system. Conference and submission information is available through the main ASEE website: www.asee.org
. If you have questions on ENT papers or activities, please contact:
Dr. Nathalie Duval-Couetil, Program Chair, Purdue University, natduval@purdue.edu
Dr. Mark Budnik, Program Chair Elect, Valparaiso University, mark.budnik@valpo.edu