Session A: Research on Students’ Entrepreneurial Development and Pathways
How can we learn about students’ entrepreneurial development through an interactive lens, i.e., the interplay between individual characteristics and contexts? How diverse are students’ entrepreneurial pathways? What are the implications for entrepreneurship education?
Session chairs:
Anne Colby, Stanford University
Bill Damon, Stanford University
Dan Ferguson, Purdue University
Kathryn Jablokow, Pennsylvania State University
Heather Malin, Stanford University
Tenelle Porter, Stanford University
Gisele Ragusa, University of Southern California
Sarah Zappe, Pennsylvania State University
Entrepreneurial intention among 18-26 Year Olds: Development and change over time
Tenelle Porter, Heather Malin, Indrawati Liauw, Anne Colby and William Damon - Stanford Center on Adolescence
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Creativity and Propensity for Innovation in Engineering
Gisele Ragusa, Ph.D. - University of Southern California, Viterbi School of Engineering
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Engineering Innovativeness
Kathryn Jablokow - Penn State, Mechanical Engineering
Dan Ferguson - Purdue, Engineering Education
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A Call for Integrative and Interactive Models of Student Entrepreneurship Development
Sarah E. Zappe - Penn State University
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