Chase Harmon of Stanford University shares two opportunities created by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs: E2.0 and Stanford's new eDorm.

Chase Harmon
CEO, E2.0
Stanford University
Class of 2013
Major: Science, Technology, and Society with a concentration in Management Science and Engineering

In the fall of 2010, a group of Stanford students founded a non-profit entity, E2.0, with the goal of building initiatives to lower the barriers for students into the realm of entrepreneurship. Last spring we sent a "StartupBus" from Stanford to SxSW in Austin Texas. The students onboard were tasked with creating fully-functional startups with customers while en-route to the conference over the three day journey, where they then competed against a hundred teams of entrepreneurs from across the country.

This fall we are launching the pilot program for an entrepreneurial residence, "eDorm" at Stanford. The goal is to provide a space for students to sleep, work, eat, and play together with all the resources necessary provided in order to better facilitate venture creation while enrolled in classes. eDorm will be a central hub for social interaction and collaboration highly motivated entrepreneurial students.

We plan on rolling out our blueprints for these initiatives like eDorm and StartupBus at schools across the country and in Europe who have already expressed high interest in providing these wonderful experiences to their students. Our goal is to provide a platform for students to collaborate and build together from all across the world. There are no limits when driven minds work collectively.



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