Download a collection of interactive games that can be used to teach concepts related to innovation and entrepreneurship.

Faculty and students stack dominoes at Cheryl Bodnar's session on games at the 2013 OPEN Conference.
At 9:00 on a recent Saturday morning, faculty and students from around the country were building towers with dominoes, climbing through hula hoops, throwing bouncy balls against the ceiling, and pantomiming nouns ranging from animals to soft drinks. It wasn’t just fun and games; these activities focused on teaching concepts related to creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship.
At VentureWell's annual conference, OPEN 2013 in Washington D.C., March 22-23, Cheryl Bodnar led a group of about 30 faculty and students at a session titled “Innovation, Eship and Games?” During the course of the session, participants played several games that can be easily incorporated into classrooms of all levels to teach students how to work on collaborative teams, brainstorm creative solutions, see a broader picture, think outside of the box, and ideate a solution as a team but execute as an individual. Bodnar, assistant professor of engineering at the University of Pittsburgh, researches how to incorporate active learning techniques as well as innovation and entrepreneurship topics in undergraduate engineering classes.
Bodnar and collaborators Pete Vigeant and Bryan Vitale have shared a collection of games, instructions and materials. Download the documents below:
How to Run Games Overview
Categories Game (instructions and materials to run the ice-breaking game about self organization played at the NCIIA OPEN session)
Circuit Games (instructions and materials to run the collection of games played at the NCIIA OPEN session)
- Domino Tower Challenge
- Ball Bounce Challenge
- #10 Tin Shoe
- Hula Hoop Ring Race
Do you have questions or feedback? Email Cheryl Bodnar.