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Penn State Ultimate Trader Challenge
GOAL: To have acquired, through trades, the item with the greatest possible value at Penn State in 8 weeks.
CHALLENGE: You will be given a pen to begin the challenge. You will "trade up" the pen for something of a greater value and continue trading items for the next 8 weeks.
- Challenge Starts on January 25th at 4:30pm and ends on March 18th at 4:30pm at 119 OSMOND Building.
- You can only trade to Items. (Not cash)
- All Participants must post their weekly trade updates on the Facebook (facebook.com/PSUTC2013) and the Trader Forum (utcpsu.com)
- Keep Track of all the trades and the Top Traders will present on the Final Day!
- You get to keep your trades!
- Reward for Top 2 traders every week
- National and local recognition
- Top 5 Traders will be honored with grand prize
Please attend the info session to learn more about the challenge: Tuesday, January 22nd at 102 Thomas, 7:00 - 8:30pm.
For details and to sign up, email Pennstateutc2013@gmail.com by January 24th. Join our Facebook page at facebook.com/PSUTC2013.
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