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Open 2015
Join VentureWell (formerly NCIIA) and Epicenter at Open 2015.
Open, VentureWell's annual conference, is an intensive two-day conference for practitioners of technology entrepreneurship in higher education. Come to learn about the latest program models, network with colleagues, and share success stories from campuses across the nation. Conference sessions explore policy, programs, funding and insights into what universities are doing today—and where they are headed tomorrow—to engage constituents in using invention and entrepreneurship to benefit society. Open is produced in collaboration with Epicenter.
Members of our community will host sessions at VentureWell's annual Open Conference this week. Join Epicenter's leaders and program participants at these sessions to get involved in the movement and to learn about the latest findings on innovation and entrepreneurship in engineering education.
9 am - 5 pm
10:15 - 11 am
11 am - 12:15 pm
- Best Practices Related to Student-generated IP
- Doing Something with Nothing and Nothing with Something
2:15 - 3:30 pm
- Transdisciplinary Game-based Learning, Teaching, and Tools
- Igniting the Academic Maker Space: Programming that brings a maker space to life
- I Don’t Have Time for This Entrepreneurship Thing, I Have to Get to My Waitressing Job!
4 - 5:15 pm
- Aggies Invent: 48-hour Innovation Challenges
- TTU EagleWorks: One approach to an innovation and entrepreneurship student competition
5:15 - 6:45 pm
- Creating Impact in Engineering Education Meet-up (special Epicenter gathering: register here!)
9 - 10:15 am
11 am - 12:15 pm
2 - 3:15 pm
- Design Thinking for Engineers: Applying the creative process to complex technical problems
- Best Practices for Managing Student Teams
- Pathways Partners: Entrepreneurial change across campuses
3:45 - 5 pm
9 am - 3 pm
- Maker Spaces Reinvented (full)
The full conference schedule is available at venturewell.org/open/schedule.