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Designing for Student Engagement
- Understand state of the art research in STEM education and current best practices
- Anticipate the needs of today's student body and the curricular practices that engage and empower today's students
- Design solutions that are appropriate for your institutional context
- Identify structural and cultural obstacles to change and create strategies to reshape them
- Practice effective leadership to build successful solutions for curricular change
You will work together with others from similar institutions, working on similar projects, to develop concrete action plans for curricular change. Sessions will be highly participatory and you will be challenged to continually consider new ideas and put novel approaches into practice. Institute attendees will acquire a new lens through which to view your projects, an expanded repertoire of techniques and solutions, and concrete steps to take your plans forward.
Learn more and apply at i2e2.olin.edu/summer/curricular_change.html
Read more about I2E2 Summer Institutes 2013 at i2e2.olin.edu/summer/about.html