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2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition

The ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition is the only conference dedicated to all disciplines of engineering education. It is committed to fostering the exchange of ideas, enhancing teaching methods and curriculum, and providing prime networking opportunities for engineering and technology education stakeholders such as deans, faculty members and industry and government representatives.
At the Conference, ASEE hosts over 400 technical sessions, with peer-reviewed papers spanning all disciplines of engineering education. Attendees include deans, faculty and researchers, students, retirees, industry representatives, K-12 teachers and more. Distinguished lectures are held on Wednesday, and there are two Main Plenaries, one that features the Conference Best Papers. There are also a variety of division award receptions and banquets.
Learn more and register at asee.org/conferences-and-events/conferences/annual-conference/2014
Epicenter activities at ASEE 2014:
M440 Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Opening General Session 2
Mon. June 16, 2014 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM
Epicenter team presentations:
Comparing Engineering and Business Undergraduate Students’ Entrepreneurial Interests and Characteristics
Dr. Qu Jin (Stanford University), Dr. Shannon Katherine Gilmartin (Stanford University), Dr. Sheri D. Sheppard (Stanford University), and Dr. Helen L. Chen (Stanford University)
Exploring Entrepreneurial Characteristics and Experiences of Engineering Alumni
Miss Janna Rodriguez (Stanford University), Dr. Helen L. Chen (Stanford University), Dr. Sheri Sheppard (Stanford University), Dr. Qu Jin (Stanford University), and Ms. Samantha Ruth Brunhaver (Stanford University)
M520 Panel: Entrepreneurship Opportunities in the Workplace: Students Participating in Co-op and Experiential Education
Mon. June 16, 2014 2:15 PM to 3:45 PM
Epicenter speaker: Phil Weilerstein (National Collegiate Inventors & Innovators Alliance (NCIIA))
T140 Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 6
Tue. June 17, 2014 7:00 AM to 8:30 AM
Epicenter team presentation:
Supporting Change in Entrepreneurship Education: Creating a Faculty Development Program Grounded in Results from a Literature Review
Sarah Giersch (Broad-based Knowledge), Dr. Flora P. McMartin (Broad-based Knowledge, LLC), Elizabeth Nilsen (National Collegiate Inventors & Innovators Alliance (NCIIA)), Dr. Sheri Sheppard (Stanford University), and Mr. Phil Weilerstein (National Collegiate Inventors & Innovators Alliance (NCIIA))
T252 Learning and Assessment in ME
Tue. June 17, 2014 8:45 AM to 10:15 AM
Epicenter team presentation:
Predicting Entrepreneurial Intent among Entry-Level Engineering Students
Dr. Mark F. Schar (Stanford University), Dr. Sarah L. Billington (Stanford University), and Dr. Sheri D. Sheppard (Stanford University)
T447·K-12 and Pre-College Engineering Division Poster Session
Tue. June 17, 2014 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM
Epicenter team presentation:
Does Teaching Matter? Factors that Influence High School Students’ Decisions on Whether to Pursue College STEM Majors
Dr. Gary Lichtenstein (Quality Evaluation Designs), Dr. Martin L. Tombari (University of Texas, Austin), Dr. Sheri D. Sheppard (Stanford University), and Ms. Kaye Storm (Stanford University)
T553 New Teaching Methods in Mechanics
Tue. June 17, 2014 2:15 PM to 3:45 PM
Epicenter team presentations:
Utilizing Concept Maps to Improve Engineering Course Curriculum in Teaching Mechanics
Ruben Pierre-Antoine (Stanford University), Dr. Sheri D. Sheppard (Stanford University), and Dr. Mark Schar (Stanford University)
Evaluation of Impact of Web-based Activities on Mechanics Achievement and Self-Efficacy
Prof. Sarah L. Billington (Stanford University), Dr. Sheri D. Sheppard (Stanford University), Prof. Robert C Calfee (Graduate School of Education, Stanford University), and Dr. Peggy C. Boylan-Ashraf (Stanford University)
T556 Potpourri
Tue. June 17, 2014 2:15 PM to 3:45 PM
This session encompasses a variety of topics that are relevant to New Engineering Educators.
Epicenter team presentations:
Students' Perspectives on Homework and Problem Sets in STEM Courses
Ms. Lea Marie Eaton (Stanford University), Dr. Sheri D. Sheppard (Stanford University), and Dr. Helen L. Chen (Stanford University)
T640·Panel: Building a National Innovation Ecosystem
Tue. June 17, 2014 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
This session will present a variety of perspectives associated with NSF’s Innovation Corps ( I-Corps™) program and discuss the impact it has produced on engineering education.
Epicenter speaker: Phil Weilerstein (National Collegiate Inventors & Innovators Alliance (NCIIA))